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Client Testimonials + Transformations

Hear From The KJE Fitness Clients Themselves

‘Kieran has been incredible for the past 9

weeks he's helped with my form in the gym and

my healthy eating plan. Dieting' is something I

have always always found a chore and

extremely difficult to stick with, however

with Kieran’s help this has become so much

easier, i have not found it difficult to stick

to because of the healthy but tasty foods

wouldn’t be where I am today without his

guidance. His overall enthusiastic approach is

outstanding and is the motivation everybody

needs to progress. I am looking forward to the

next step with Kieran and hitting further

goals put in place I am a much more confident

person now and I couldn't thank him enough

for all of the help he has provided to make the

start of my journey a fantastic experience'



‘I’m absolutely loving the new me and my journey

has only just begun. I started with Kieran in

January for pt sessions and decided that pairing my

sessions with online coaching would be the best

way forward. I will never look back now


I’ve now got so much more energy, sleeping better and most

importantly I’m gaining my self confidence back!

I know I wouldn't have continued my journey if I

didn't get the support I do from Kieran having him

to fall back on for questions or when you find

yourself struggling is just what i've needed

nothing is too much trouble at all,

there's been occasions when i've started getting

a-bit fed up with my meal plan and the fact that this

can be addressed weekly, during a very in depth

check in. again. is just what I’ve needed’.


'When I first decided to get fit and lose weight, I wasn’t looking for a coach. I thought it would be too expensive and only destroy my confidence, which was at an all time low. I met Kieran and he persuaded me to give some sessions a try. I very quickly became hooked. I lost 4 stone of fat and the 10 ton weight of self doubt resting on my shoulders for the best part of 45 years. I have reclaimed my fitness, and my physical and mental health. Kieran has gently and patiently guided me through my stratospheric transformation and has reliably been with me every step of the way. I have no words to describe how grateful I am to have found KJE Fitness. Kieran has given me the key to allow me to be in control of my body and a whole new way of life.’



'All that hard work and sacrifice, eating right and turning down takeaways etc. wouldn’t have been possible for me without the support from Kieran. Honestly it’s changed my life in a short amount of time and I’ve never felt or looked as good as I do now. Confidence is at an all time high and it’s all thanks to KJE fitness.

I just want to highlight what following a plan consistently can do in a relatively short amount of time. I’m currently the happiest version of myself and in the best shape of my life. I look back at the older version of myself in absolute disbelief. What a trip!'


'Kieran has been absolutely amazing since

the start of my weight loss journey with

him prior to starting with Kieran i'd

binge eat during the weekend & then starve

myself during the week & I struggled to

lose my baby weight

Kieran changed my

mindset completely when it came to

nutrition & helped me to overcome my fear

of weights in the gym

I’m now over a

stone lighter since starting with him &

this is the happiest & most confident i've

been in 3 years. I couldn't thank him

enough for giving me my spark back & for

being so patient!!!"



Yes, you see a very big difference in terms of a physical transformation.
But the mental transformation was something so much bigger.
Being in good shape is one thing, but being fit and healthy, mentally and physically while being in good shape is something so much greater. My point being, everyone goes through tough times or faces difficult days.
It’s how we face these moments of weakness and come back stronger from them, every failure or downfall in life is a lesson.
Take it as a new opportunity to better yourself.
Perception is such a huge thing in life, everyone deals with shit and has difficulties.
But it’s how we view them and overcome them that matters.


‘Before I started working with Kieran i had been

drifting from one diet to another and dipping in and

out of the gym for a good few years. I decided I

really needed to do something different as I wasn't

getting where I wanted to be

once i spoke to Kieran I realised it's just what I

had been looking for Kieran sorted me out a weekly

meal plan a training plan for the gym and a daily

and weekly tracker to keep track of

sleep, steps,

weight and if I had stuck to the meal plan,


much more.

I felt so motivated and ready to challenge myself to

lose weight and get myself fit again and Kieran is

there for me every step of the way. I can message

him with any questions at any time. he does a

thorough online check in once a week to ensure am

on track. he gives advice and tips and is very

flexible with things like the food plan, he can

change it to suit your life style which i found


massive help as I struggle to fit meals in at

regular times’


‘Kieran has really helped me not only with my

gym routine. form in the gym and motivation to

get there. but also with my eating habits and

general food mindset.

I typically believed to loose weight I would

need to cut out carbs eat less foods enjoyed

and a lot more salad - i was so wrong!

My eating habits were not healthy I would

binge at the weekend and eat very little in the

week to compensate. Kieran has showed me that

all foods can fit into a plan and made it so

much easier for my ideal weight to be

maintainable, he has change my whole outlook

and I cannot thank him enough. His support,

knowledge and passion for helping people not

only physically but also mentally is second to

none i am so grateful and look forward to

continuing to learn and better myself

physically and mentally’



More Testimonials & Transformations Below

"Kieran is amazing. He has a wealth of skill, knowledge, enthusiasm, ingenuity and, most importantly, patience. He is gentle and kind when you need him to be, but he will push and drive you to achieve so much more than you thought possible. He is able to adapt his training style to suit the person he is training and can adapt to any situation. He has a fantastic mobile gym with all the equipment you’d expect (and more) and some ingenious touches such as a cable system and an awning to protect you from the Great British weather. I have far surpassed my original aims. I have gained muscle, strength, self esteem, fitness and health. Kieran has literally given me my life back, both physically and mentally, and he has reliably been by my side for the whole journey."



"Boundless enthusiasm. He has a natural flair for coaching and is always gently encouraging- initially, training was just an outlet for work which I didn't take that seriously, but since increasing to two sessions a week, I have found that I have rapidly achieved personal goals I didn't think possible. Kieran also takes sporting injuries into account- I had surgery on my cruciate ligament a couple of years ago but have managed to build up quite comfortably to 50kg barbell squats, with an aim to increase to 60kg in the new year. I can perform these exercises without experiencing pain in my knee, which is an achievement in itself, but I put it down to Kieran slowly building up both my strength and my confidence."


"I was put in touch with Kieran after deciding it was time I need to get fit for health reasons after a few emails and some positive vibes from him I jumped in he sent me nutritional plan and exercises to start at home and then we got to work it was amazing slowly getting some weight loss but then lockdown hit us again but he keeps in touch and keeps you motivated I exercise at home on a daily basis and stick to his meal plans his van is fully kitted for some good sessions and I'm looking forward to getting back to training once this lockdown is over he's very professional and I highly recommend him."



10/10 for Kieran's positive attitude and drive to make everyone he trains more confident within them selves.


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